Evaluation of nucleation theories in a sulfur-rich environment. Jung, Gun, J., Pandis, S. N., & Adams, P. J. Aerosol Science and Technology, 42(7):495-504, TAYLOR \& FRANCIS INC, 325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA, 2008.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Six nucleation parameterizations are tested using the Dynamic Model for Aerosol Nucleation (DMAN). Weak, moderate, and strong nucleation events together with days without nucleation from the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study (PAQS) were selected for the evaluation. The ability of the different theories to reproduce the occurrence or lack of a nucleation event was evaluated. The ternary sulfuric acid-ammonia-water theory was the only one that was successful for all tests. Sensitivity tests of the remaining parameterizations suggest that increasing or decreasing the corresponding nucleation rates does not change the overall performance of the parameterizations when both the nucleation and non-nucleation days are included in the tests.
@article{ Jung:ast:2008a,
  abstract = {Six nucleation parameterizations are tested using the Dynamic Model for Aerosol Nucleation (DMAN). Weak, moderate, and strong nucleation events together with days without nucleation from the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study (PAQS) were selected for the evaluation. The ability of the different theories to reproduce the occurrence or lack of a nucleation event was evaluated. The ternary sulfuric acid-ammonia-water theory was the only one that was successful for all tests. Sensitivity tests of the remaining parameterizations suggest that increasing or decreasing the corresponding nucleation rates does not change the overall performance of the parameterizations when both the nucleation and non-nucleation days are included in the tests.},
  address = {325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA},
  author = {Jung, Jae Gun and Pandis, Spyros N. and Adams, Peter J.},
  date = {2008},
  date-added = {2008-11-26 13:58:23 +0100},
  date-modified = {2008-11-26 14:02:04 +0100},
  doi = {DOI 10.1080/02786820802187085},
  isi = {000257152500001},
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  journal = {Aerosol Science and Technology},
  number = {7},
  pages = {495-504},
  publisher = {TAYLOR \& FRANCIS INC},
  timescited = {0},
  title = {Evaluation of nucleation theories in a sulfur-rich environment},
  volume = {42},
  year = {2008},
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