Eliciting and Enforcing Subjective Individual Fairness. Jung, C., Kearns, M. J., Neel, S., Roth, A., Stapleton, L., & Wu, Z. S. CoRR, 2019.
Eliciting and Enforcing Subjective Individual Fairness [link]Paper  bibtex   
  author       = {Christopher Jung and
                  Michael J. Kearns and
                  Seth Neel and
                  Aaron Roth and
                  Logan Stapleton and
                  Zhiwei Steven Wu},
  title        = {Eliciting and Enforcing Subjective Individual Fairness},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/1905.10660},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1905.10660},
  eprinttype    = {arXiv},
  eprint       = {1905.10660},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 03 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/corr/abs-1905-10660.bib},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}

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