On the coordinated navigation of multiple independent disk-shaped robots. Karagoz, C. S., Bozma, H. I., & Koditschek, D. E. Technical Report MS-CIS-07-16, Dept. Comp. Inform. Sci., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2003.
  author      = {Karagoz, C. S. and Bozma, H. I. and Koditschek, D. E.},
  title       = {On the coordinated navigation of multiple independent disk-shaped robots},
  institution = {Dept. Comp. Inform. Sci., Univ. of Pennsylvania},
  year        = {2003},
  number      = {MS-CIS-07-16},
  owner       = {tenghu},
  timestamp   = {2013.09.17},

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