Latest Urban Rail Demand Forecast Model System in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Kato, H., Fukuda, D., Yamashita, Y., Iwakura, S., & Yai, T. 2668:60-77.
doi  bibtex   
  langid = {english},
  title = {Latest {{Urban Rail Demand Forecast Model System}} in the {{Tokyo Metropolitan Area}}},
  volume = {2668},
  issn = {0361-1981},
  doi = {10.3141/2668-07},
  journaltitle = {Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board},
  date = {2017-01},
  pages = {60-77},
  author = {Kato, Hironori and Fukuda, Daisuke and Yamashita, Yoshihisa and Iwakura, Seiji and Yai, Tetsuo},
  file = {/Users/fukuda/Dropbox (fukudalab-tokyotech)/Zotero/storage/873SK5EM/Kato et al. - 2017 - Latest Urban Rail Demand Forecast Model System in .pdf}

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