Gloomy Forecast for the Prophets of Apocalypse and Bright Forecast for Chemists. Keinan, E. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52(10):2667–2672, 2013. 00000
Gloomy Forecast for the Prophets of Apocalypse and Bright Forecast for Chemists [link]Paper  bibtex   
	title = {Gloomy {Forecast} for the {Prophets} of {Apocalypse} and {Bright} {Forecast} for {Chemists}},
	volume = {52},
	url = {},
	number = {10},
	urldate = {2014-10-28},
	journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition},
	author = {Keinan, Ehud},
	year = {2013},
	note = {00000},
	keywords = {collapse, contrarian},
	pages = {2667--2672},
	file = {Keinan - 2013 - Gloomy Forecast for the Prophets of Apocalypse and.pdf:C\:\\Users\\rsrs\\Documents\\Zotero Database\\storage\\MD9GZZVZ\\Keinan - 2013 - Gloomy Forecast for the Prophets of Apocalypse and.pdf:application/pdf}

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