Modeling and Analytics to Support Emerging International Innovation Partnerships. Keisler, J. M., Collier, Z. A., Ayyub, B. M., Dempwolf, C. S., Gibson, J. M., Porter, A. L., Schweizer, V., Thorisson, H., Wang, L., Ye, M., Lambert, J. H., & Linkov, I. 2020.
  author = {Jeffrey M. Keisler and Zachary A. Collier and Bilal M. Ayyub and C. Scott Dempwolf and Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson and Alan L. Porter and Vanessa Schweizer and Heimir Thorisson and Linbing Wang and Ming Ye and James H. Lambert and Igor Linkov},
  title = {Modeling and Analytics to Support Emerging International Innovation Partnerships},
  year = {2020}

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