Empirical Statistical Model To Estimate the Accuracy of Peptide Identifications Made by MS/MS and Database Search. Keller, A., Nesvizhskii, A. I., Kolker, E., & Aebersold, R. Anal Chem, 74(20):5383–5392, 2002.
  author   = {Andrew Keller and Alexey I. Nesvizhskii and Eugene Kolker and Ruedi Aebersold},
  title    = {Empirical Statistical Model To Estimate the Accuracy of Peptide Identifications Made by {MS/MS} and Database Search},
  journal  = {Anal Chem},
  year     = {2002},
  volume   = {74},
  number   = {20},
  pages    = {5383--5392},
  comment  = {Statistical models for MS/MS. Uses empricial database parameters and estimation via the EM algorithm. Some Bayes stuff. Nice figures on score distributions. Explicitely describes Xcorr of SEQUEST. Peptide Prophet aka PeptideProphet.},
  file     = {KellerEtAl_EmpiricalStatisticalModel_AnalChem_2002.pdf:2002/KellerEtAl_EmpiricalStatisticalModel_AnalChem_2002.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {Peptide Prophet; PeptideProphet; FDR; q-values; PEP;},

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