Swedish National Forest Inventory 1983-87: state of forests, growth and annual cut. Kempe, G., Toet, H., Magnusson, P. H., & Bergstedt, J. Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, 1992. Times Cited: 0 0
Swedish National Forest Inventory 1983-87: state of forests, growth and annual cut [link]Paper  bibtex   
   author = {Kempe, G. and Toet, H. and Magnusson, P. H. and Bergstedt, J.},
   title = {Swedish National Forest Inventory 1983-87: state of forests, growth and annual cut},
   journal = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet},
   number = {51},
   pages = {iv + 238 pp.-iv + 238 pp.},
   note = {Times Cited: 0 0},
   ISSN = {0348-0496},
   url = {<Go to ISI>://CABI:19950602206},
   year = {1992},
   type = {Journal Article}

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