X-ray spectroscopic approaches to the investigation and characterization of photochemical processes. Kennepohl, P., Wasinger, E., C., & DeBeer George, S. J. Synchrotron Rad., 16(4):484-488, International Union of Crystallography, 7, 2009.
X-ray spectroscopic approaches to the investigation and characterization of photochemical processes [pdf]Paper  X-ray spectroscopic approaches to the investigation and characterization of photochemical processes [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Despite a wealth of studies exemplifying the utility of the 2–5 keV X-ray range in speciation and electronic structure elucidation, the exploitation of this energy regime for the study of photochemical processes has not been forthcoming. Herein, a new endstation set-up for in situ photochemical soft X-ray spectroscopy in the 2–5 keV energy region at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource is described for continuous photolysis under anaerobic conditions at both cryogenic and ambient temperatures. Representative examples of this approach are used to demonstrate the potential information content in several fields of study, including organometallic chemistry, biochemistry and materials chemistry. Keywords:

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