Molecules in Silico: The generation of structural formulae and its applications. Kerber, A., Laue, R., Meringer, M., & Rücker, C. J Comput Chem Japan, 3(3):85–96, 2004.
  author    = {Kerber, A. and Laue, R. and Meringer, M. and R\"ucker, C.},
  title     = {Molecules in Silico: The generation of structural formulae and its applications},
  journal   = {J Comput Chem Japan},
  year      = {2004},
  volume    = {3},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {85--96},
  file      = {KerberEtAl_MoleculesInSilico_JComputChemJpn_2004_b.pdf:2004/KerberEtAl_MoleculesInSilico_JComputChemJpn_2004_b.pdf:PDF;KerberEtAl_MoleculesInSilico_JComputChemJpn_2004.pdf:2004/KerberEtAl_MoleculesInSilico_JComputChemJpn_2004.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {metabolites; TrACReview},
  owner     = {Sebastian},
  timestamp = {2008.10.17},

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