Microstructure and magnetic state of Fe3O4-SiO2 colloidal particles. Kharitonskii, P., Gareev, K., Ionin, S., Ryzhov, V., Bogachev, Y., Klimenkov, B., Kononova, I., & Moshnikov, V. Journal of Magnetics, 20(3):221-228, Seoul National University 501-321, 2015. cited By 13
Microstructure and magnetic state of Fe3O4-SiO2 colloidal particles [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Colloidal particles consisted of individual nanosized magnetite grains on the surface of the silica cores were obtained by two-stage sol-gel technique. Size distribution and microstructure of the particles were analyzed using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Nitrogen thermal desorption. Magnetic properties of the particles were studied by the method of the longitudinal nonlinear response. It has been shown that nanoparticles of magnetite have a size corresponding to a superparamagnetic state but exhibit hysteresis properties. The phenomenon was explained using the magnetostatic interaction model based on the hypothesis of iron oxide particles cluster aggregation on the silica surface. © The Korean Magnetics Society. All rights reserved.
author={Kharitonskii, P.V. and Gareev, K.G. and Ionin, S.A. and Ryzhov, V.A. and Bogachev, Y.V. and Klimenkov, B.D. and Kononova, I.E. and Moshnikov, V.A.},
title={Microstructure and magnetic state of Fe3O4-SiO2 colloidal particles},
journal={Journal of Magnetics},
note={cited By 13},
affiliation={Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ‘LETI’, 5th Prof. Popova Str, Saint-Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation; Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Named by B.P. Konstantinov, National Research Centre ‘Kurchatov Institute’, Leningrad District, Orlova Roscha, Gatchina, 188300, Russian Federation; Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29th Polytechnicheskaya Str, Saint-Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation},
abstract={Colloidal particles consisted of individual nanosized magnetite grains on the surface of the silica cores were obtained by two-stage sol-gel technique. Size distribution and microstructure of the particles were analyzed using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Nitrogen thermal desorption. Magnetic properties of the particles were studied by the method of the longitudinal nonlinear response. It has been shown that nanoparticles of magnetite have a size corresponding to a superparamagnetic state but exhibit hysteresis properties. The phenomenon was explained using the magnetostatic interaction model based on the hypothesis of iron oxide particles cluster aggregation on the silica surface. © The Korean Magnetics Society. All rights reserved.},
author_keywords={Colloidal particles;  Longitudinal nonlinear response;  Magnetite;  Magnetostatic interaction;  Silica;  Superparamagnetism},
funding_details={Russian Foundation for Basic Research14-03-31534},
correspondence_address1={Gareev, K.G.; Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ‘LETI’, 5th Prof. Popova Str, Russian Federation; email: kggareev@yandex.ru},
publisher={Seoul National University 501-321},
abbrev_source_title={J. Magn.},

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