Sentiment Analysis: Limits and Progress of the Syuzhet Package and Its Lexicons. Kim, H. Digital Humanities Quarterly, June, 2022.
	title = {Sentiment {Analysis}: {Limits} and {Progress} of the {Syuzhet} {Package} and {Its} {Lexicons}},
	volume = {016},
	issn = {1938-4122},
	shorttitle = {Sentiment {Analysis}},
	number = {2},
	journal = {Digital Humanities Quarterly},
	author = {Kim, Hoyeol},
	month = jun,
	year = {2022},
	file = {DHQ\: Digital Humanities Quarterly\: Sentiment Analysis\: Limits and Progress of the Syuzhet Package and Its Lexicons:/Users/manika/Zotero/storage/CZ98W3AW/000612.html:text/html},

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