Aerial surveys of cetaceans in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1995 and 1996. Kingsley, M. C. S. & Reeves, R. R. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76:1529–1550, 1998.
  author = {Kingsley, M. C. S. and Reeves, R. R.},
  title = {Aerial surveys of cetaceans in the {G}ulf of {S}t. {L}awrence in
	1995 and 1996},
  journal = {Canadian Journal of Zoology},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {76},
  pages = {1529--1550},
  comment = {},
  file = {Kingsley&Reeves1998.pdf:Kingsley&Reeves1998.pdf:PDF},
  subdatabase = {distance}

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