Bivariate Gaussian Distributional Regression: An Application on Diabetes. Klein, N., Gude, F., Cadarso-Suárez, C., & Kneib, T. In Kneib, T., Sobotka, F., Fahrenholz, J., & Irmer, H., editors, Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Vol. 1, pages 167–172, 2014.
 author = {Klein, Nadja and Gude, Francisco and Cadarso-Su{\'a}rez, Carmen and Kneib, Thomas},
 title = {Bivariate {Gaussian} Distributional Regression: An Application on Diabetes},
 keywords = {phd;stat},
 pages = {167--172},
 editor = {Kneib, Thomas and Sobotka, Fabian and Fahrenholz, Jan and Irmer, Henriette},
 booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Vol. 1}},
 year = {2014}

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