Leveraging Multiple Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve the Responsiveness in Operations Planning: ASPEN for Orbital Express. Knight, R., Chouinard, C., Chouinard, C., & Tran, D. AI Magazine, 35 (4):26–36, Winter, 2014.
	title        = {Leveraging Multiple Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve the Responsiveness in Operations Planning: ASPEN for Orbital Express},
	author       = {Russell Knight and Caroline Chouinard and Caroline Chouinard and Daniel Tran},
	year         = 2014,
	month        = {Winter},
	journal      = {AI Magazine},
	volume       = {35 (4)},
	pages        = {26--36},
	clearance    = {CL\#14-2063},
	project      = {orbital\_express}

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