Casper: Space exploration through continuous planning. Knight, S, Rabideau, G., Chien, S., Engelhardt, B., & Sherwood, R. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 16(5):70–75, IEEE, September, 2001.
	title        = {Casper: Space exploration through continuous planning},
	author       = {Knight, S and Rabideau, Gregg and Chien, Steve and Engelhardt, Barbara and Sherwood, Rob},
	year         = 2001,
	month        = {September},
	journal      = {IEEE Intelligent Systems},
	publisher    = {IEEE},
	volume       = 16,
	number       = 5,
	pages        = {70--75},
	clearance    = {CL\#01-2243},
	project      = {CASPER}

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