Analysing Proofs in Analysis. Kohlenbach, U. In Hodges, W., Hyland, M., Steinhorn, C., & Truss, J., editors, Logic: from Foundations to Applications, pages 225–260, Oxford, 1996. Clarendon Press. European Logic Colloquium
  author = {Kohlenbach, Ulrich},
  title = {Analysing Proofs in Analysis},
  booktitle = {Logic: from Foundations to Applications},
  year = {1996},
  editor = {Hodges, Wilfried and Hyland, Martin and Steinhorn, Charles and Truss,
  pages = {225--260},
  address = {Oxford},
  publisher = {Clarendon Press},
  note = {European Logic Colloquium},
  keywords = {bib,cca}

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