Maridhiano Mashinani (Reconciliation at the Grassroots): Reflections on the role of the church in building sustainable peace in the north rift region of Kenya. Korir, C., Bolton, M., Kiptoo, W., Kosgei, S., Kimisoi, J., Njeri, F., & Pagnucco, R. Unknown Journal, 2017.
Maridhiano Mashinani (Reconciliation at the Grassroots): Reflections on the role of the church in building sustainable peace in the north rift region of Kenya [link]Paper  bibtex   
  author = {Cornelius Korir and Matthew Bolton and William Kiptoo and Samuel Kosgei and James Kimisoi and Florence Njeri and Ronald Pagnucco},
  title = {Maridhiano Mashinani (Reconciliation at the Grassroots): Reflections on the role of the church in building sustainable peace in the north rift region of Kenya},
  year = {2017},
  journal = {Unknown Journal},
  url = {}

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