Majorant-computability and definability over the reals. Korovina, M. & Kudinov, O. In Chesneaux, J., Jézéquel, F., Lamotte, J., & Vignes, J., editors, Third Real Numbers and Computers Conference, pages 61–80, 1998. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. Paris, France, April 27–29, 1998
  author = {Korovina, M.V. and Kudinov, O.V.},
  title = {Majorant-computability and definability over the reals},
  booktitle = {Third Real Numbers and Computers Conference},
  year = {1998},
  editor = {Chesneaux, J.-M. and J\'{e}z\'{e}quel, F. and Lamotte, J.-L. and
	Vignes, J.},
  pages = {61--80},
  publisher = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris},
  note = {Paris, France, April 27--29, 1998},
  keywords = {bib,cca}

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