Teaching flexible manufacturing systems by using design and simulation program tools. Kovačić, Z., Smolić-Ročak, N., Birgmajer, B., & others In EUROCON 2003. Computer as a Tool. The IEEE Region 8, volume 1, pages 47–51, 2003. IEEE.
  Title                    = {Teaching flexible manufacturing systems by using design and simulation program tools},
  Author                   = {Kova{\v{c}}i{\'c}, Zdenko and Smoli{\'c}-Ro{\v{c}}ak, Nenad and Birgmajer, Bruno and others},
  Booktitle                = {EUROCON 2003. Computer as a Tool. The IEEE Region 8},
  Year                     = {2003},
  Organization             = {IEEE},
  Pages                    = {47--51},
  Volume                   = {1}

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