Negative results of computable analysis disappear if we restrict ourselves to random (or, more generally, typical) inputs. Kreinovich, V. In Mathematical structures and modeling. Number 25 (Russian), pages 100–113, 131, Omsk, 2012. Omsk. Gos. Univ..
  author = {Kreinovich, V.},
  title = {Negative results of computable analysis disappear if we restrict
	ourselves to random (or, more generally, typical) inputs},
  booktitle = {Mathematical structures and modeling. {N}umber 25 ({R}ussian)},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {100--113, 131},
  address = {Omsk},
  publisher = {Omsk. Gos. Univ.},
  keywords = {bib,cca},
  mrclass = {03F60 (03D78)},
  mrnumber = {3014123},
  mrreviewer = {Ning Zhong},
  owner = {Vasco},
  timestamp = {2013.12.01}

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