Spurious Correlation and the Fallacy of the Ratio Standard Revisited. Kronmal, R. A. J Roy Stat Soc A, 156:379-392, 1993.
  title = {Spurious Correlation and the Fallacy of the Ratio Standard Revisited},
  volume = {156},
  journal = {J Roy Stat Soc A},
  author = {Kronmal, R. A.},
  year = {1993},
  keywords = {change,ratio},
  pages = {379-392},
  citeulike-article-id = {13264437},
  posted-at = {2014-07-14 14:09:35},
  priority = {0},
  annote = {spurious correlation in using ratio variables even if all component variables of ratios are uncorrelated; division of only the dependent variable by an independent variable can result in regression coefficient estimates for the other independent variables that result in inappropriate conclusions;use of a ratio as an independent variable can result in inadequate adjustment for component variables of the ratio;ratio variables should only be used in a full model containing all the component variables;results of regression analyses incorporating ratios are not readily comparable across studies}

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