In silico study of liquid crystalline phases formed by bent-shaped molecules with excluded volume type interactions. Kubala, P., Tomczyk, W., & Cieśla, M. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 367:120156, dec, 2022.
In silico study of liquid crystalline phases formed by bent-shaped molecules with excluded volume type interactions [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
author = {Kubala, Piotr and Tomczyk, Wojciech and Cie{\'{s}}la, Micha{\l}},
doi = {10.1016/j.molliq.2022.120156},
file = {:Users/ciesla/OneDrive - Uniwersytet Jagiello{\'{n}}ski/artyku{\l}y/moje/79. In silico study of liquid crystalline phases formed by bent-shaped molecules with excluded volume type interactions.pdf:pdf},
issn = {01677322},
journal = {Journal of Molecular Liquids},
keywords = {molecular dynamics simulations,monte carlo simulations},
month = {dec},
pages = {120156},
title = {{In silico study of liquid crystalline phases formed by bent-shaped molecules with excluded volume type interactions}},
url = {},
volume = {367},
year = {2022}

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