Advances in Protein Identification by Peptide Mass Fingerprinting with a New Orthogonal MALDI-O-TOF. Kuzdzal, S. A., Lopez, M., Sapp, L., Mikulskis, A., Golenko, E., & Ackloo, S. Technical Report 2004.
  author   = {Scott A. Kuzdzal and Mary Lopez and Lisa Sapp and Alvydas Mikulskis and Eva Golenko and Suzanne Ackloo},
  title    = {Advances in Protein Identification by Peptide Mass Fingerprinting with a New Orthogonal {MALDI-O-TOF}},
  year     = {2004},
  file     = {AdvancesProteinIdentification_ApplicationNote_PerkinElmer_2004.pdf:2004/AdvancesProteinIdentification_ApplicationNote_PerkinElmer_2004.pdf:PDF},
  journal  = {PerkinElmer},
  keywords = {pmf},

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