An Efficient Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Exploiting Hierarchy and Asymmetry. Kwon, G. & Ryu, K. D. 01/2003 2003.
An Efficient Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Exploiting Hierarchy and Asymmetry [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Many Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing systems have been proposed to take advantage of high scalability and abundant resources at end-user machines. Previous approaches adopted either simple flooding or routing with complex structures, such as Distributed HashingTables (DHT). However, these approaches did not consider the heterogeneous nature of the machines and the hierarchy of networks on the Internet. This paper presents Peer-to-peer Asymmetric file Sharing System(PASS), a novel approach to P2P file sharing, which accounts for the different capabilities and network locations of the participating machines. Our system selects only a portion of high-capacity machines(supernodes) for routing support, and organizes the network by using location information. We show that our key-coverage based directory replication improves the file search performance to a small constant number of routing hops, regardless of the network size.
@conference {Kwon:2003:EPF:827273.829221,
	title = {An Efficient Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Exploiting Hierarchy and Asymmetry},
	booktitle = {SAINT{\textquoteright}03. Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet},
	series = {SAINT {\textquoteright}03},
	year = {2003},
	month = {01/2003},
	pages = {226{\textendash}},
	publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
	organization = {IEEE Computer Society},
	address = {Orlando, Florida, USA},
	abstract = {Many Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing systems have been proposed to take advantage of high scalability and abundant resources at end-user machines. Previous approaches adopted either simple flooding or routing with complex structures, such as Distributed HashingTables (DHT). However, these approaches did not consider the heterogeneous nature of the machines and the hierarchy of networks on the Internet. This paper presents Peer-to-peer Asymmetric file Sharing System(PASS), a novel approach to P2P file sharing, which accounts for the different capabilities and network locations of the participating machines. Our system selects only a portion of high-capacity machines(supernodes) for routing support, and organizes the network by using location information. We show that our key-coverage based directory replication improves the file search performance to a small constant number of routing hops, regardless of the network size.},
	keywords = {asymmetry, hierarchy, P2P, pass, peer-to-peer asymmetric file sharing system, peer-to-peer networking},
	isbn = {0-7695-1872-9},
	doi = {},
	url = {},
	author = {Kwon, Gisik and Ryu, Kyung D.}

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