Governance Barriers to Sustainability. Lamm, R. World Futures, 59(3-4):275–285, January, 2003. 00002
Governance Barriers to Sustainability [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Can democracy resolve the new set of survival problems we face? Our greatest challenge is to modify or perhaps even reverse what has worked well. Our economic system must adapt to our ecological system. Genetic values that allowed Homo sapiens to prosper may be counterproductive today. Four preconceptions that hinder the United States in facing challenges: 1) It has a divine destiny; 2) Problem solving machinery and institutions are equal to the challenges; (the influence of money on politics undermines this); 3) Our political system and democracy are sustainable; 4) Population and economic growth are good. Nations must ask: How many people can we support? We cannot be growth maximizers and ecological realists at the same time. Both the Rio Declaration and the Brundtland Commission set utopian but unachievable goals.
	title = {Governance {Barriers} to {Sustainability}},
	volume = {59},
	issn = {0260-4027},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1080/02604020310119},
	abstract = {Can democracy resolve the new set of survival problems we face? Our greatest challenge is to modify or perhaps even reverse what has worked well. Our economic system must adapt to our ecological system. Genetic values that allowed Homo sapiens to prosper may be counterproductive today. Four preconceptions that hinder the United States in facing challenges: 1) It has a divine destiny; 2) Problem solving machinery and institutions are equal to the challenges; (the influence of money on politics undermines this); 3) Our political system and democracy are sustainable; 4) Population and economic growth are good. Nations must ask: How many people can we support? We cannot be growth maximizers and ecological realists at the same time. Both the Rio Declaration and the Brundtland Commission set utopian but unachievable goals.},
	number = {3-4},
	urldate = {2015-09-25},
	journal = {World Futures},
	author = {Lamm, Richard},
	month = jan,
	year = {2003},
	note = {00002},
	keywords = {governance, collapse, survivalism},
	pages = {275--285},
	file = {Lamm - 2003 - Governance Barriers to Sustainability.pdf:C\:\\Users\\rsrs\\Documents\\Zotero Database\\storage\\9EXKBQ5Q\\Lamm - 2003 - Governance Barriers to Sustainability.pdf:application/pdf}

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