MASSIVE: A Bayesian analysis of giant planet populations around low-mass stars. Lannier, J., Delorme, P., Lagrange, A., Borgniet, S., Rameau, J., Schlieder, J., Gagné, J., Bonavita, M., Malo, L., Chauvin, G., Bonnefoy, M., & Girard, J. åp, 596:A83, December, 2016.
doi  bibtex   
       author = {{Lannier}, J. and {Delorme}, P. and {Lagrange}, A.~M. and {Borgniet}, S. and {Rameau}, J. and {Schlieder}, J.~E. and {Gagn{\'e}}, J. and {Bonavita}, M.~A. and {Malo}, L. and {Chauvin}, G. and {Bonnefoy}, M. and {Girard}, J.~H.},
        title = "{MASSIVE: A Bayesian analysis of giant planet populations around low-mass stars}",
      journal = {\aap},
     keywords = {planetary systems, stars: low-mass, methods: statistical, planets and satellites: formation, Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics},
         year = 2016,
        month = dec,
       volume = {596},
          eid = {A83},
        pages = {A83},
          doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201628237},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {1607.06892},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph.EP},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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