Integrated Tool Chain for Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems. Larsen, P. G., Thule, C., Lausdahl, K., Bardur, V., Gamble, C., Brosse, E., Sadovykh, A., Bagnato, A., & Couto, L. D. In Larsen, P. G., Plat, N., & Battle, N., editors, The 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains, pages 63–78, Cyprus, November, 2016. Aarhus University, Department of Engineering. ECE-TR-28
Integrated Tool Chain for Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems [link]Paper  bibtex   1 download  
  KEY           = "Larsen\&16",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Casper Thule and Kenneth Lausdahl
                   and Victor Bardur and Carl Gamble and 
                   Etienne Brosse and Andrey Sadovykh and Alessandra
                   Bagnato and Luis Diogo Couto",
  TITLE         = "{Integrated Tool Chain for Model-Based Design
                    of Cyber-Physical Systems}",
  BOOKTITLE     = "The 14th Overture Workshop: Towards Analytical Tool Chains",
  EDITOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Nico Plat and Nick Battle",
  ORGANIZATION  = "Aarhus University, Department of Engineering",
  ADDRESS       = "Cyprus",
  YEAR          = "2016",
  MONTH         = "November",
  PAGES         = "63--78",
  NOTE          = "{ECE-TR-28}",
  ANNOTE        = "",
	URL           = {},
  COMMENT       = ""}

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