Fiber-coupled non-descanned 4ã detection with a commercial confocal microscope modified for multiphoton imaging. Larson, A., Iyer, V., & Saggau, P. In Periasamy, A. & So, P., editors, Proc. Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences III, of Prog. in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, 2003. NOT IN FILE
  author = {Larson, A. and Iyer, V. and Saggau, P.},
booktitle = {Proc. Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences III},
 editor = {Periasamy, A. and So, P.},
 note = {NOT IN FILE},
 series = {Prog. in Biomedical Optics and Imaging},
 title = {Fiber-coupled non-descanned 4ã detection with a commercial confocal microscope modified for multiphoton imaging},
 year = {2003},
 keywords = {confocal, confocal, microscope, excitation, excitation, volume, fiber, coupled, fluorescence, fluorescent, hippocampal, hippocampal, neuron, image, imaging, laser, light, METHOD, microscopy, multi-photon, excitation, multiphoton, NEURON, non-descanned, optics, pathway, PDF, photomultiplier, photon, scanning, viability, volume},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Fibercoupled nondescanned 4 detection with a commercial confocal microscope modified for multiphoton imaging}

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