Tsunamigenic potential of small adjacent submarine landslides: A study case in Eivissa Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea. Lastras, G., Iglesias, O., Macías, Jorge, González-Vida, J., Campoamor, J., Costa, S., & Canals, M. In progress, 2017.
  author  = {Lastras, G. and Iglesias, O. and Mac{\'i}as, Jorge and Gonz{\'a}lez-Vida, J.-M. and Campoamor, J.-L. and Costa, S. and Canals, M.},
  journal = {In progress},
  title   = {{T}sunamigenic potential of small adjacent submarine landslides: {A} study case in {E}ivissa {C}hannel, {W}estern {M}editerranean {S}ea},
  year    = {2017},

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