Neutron diffraction and ESR studies of pseudocubic Nd0.75Ba 0.25MnO3 and its unusual critical behavior above T C. Lazuta, A., Ryzhov, V., Smirnov, O., Kiselev, I., Chernenkov, Y., Borisov, S., Troaynchuk, I., & Khalyavin, D. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 300(1):44-47, 2006. cited By 2; Conference of Third International Symposium on Magnetism 2005 ; Conference Date: 26 June 2005 Through 30 June 2005; Conference Code:66801
Neutron diffraction and ESR studies of pseudocubic Nd0.75Ba 0.25MnO3 and its unusual critical behavior above T C [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Results of structural neutron diffraction study and electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements are presented for insulating Nd1- xBaxMnO3 (x=0.25) with the Curie temperature TC≈129K. Its pseudocubic structure reveals the definite distortions to a lower symmetry. Detailed analysis of the data is performed in the frame of Pbnm space group in a temperature range 4.2-300 K. The compound is found to exhibit the Jahn-Teller (JT) transition at TJT≈250 K. Character of the coherent JT distortions and their temperature evolution differ from those of the x=0.23 manganite. The ESR results correspond to behavior of a 3D isotropic ferromagnet above T*≈143K (τ*≈0.12≤τ<1, τ=(T-TC)/TC). It is shown that an anisotropic exchange coupling of the Mn and Nd magnetic moments may give a substantial contribution in ESR linewidth masking its critical enhancement. The different temperature treatments (slow/fast cooling/heating with/without external magnetic field) of the sample reveal a temperature hysteresis of the ESR spectra below T* indicating an anomalous response in the paramagnetic region. The study of the magnetic phase transition in the x=0.23 and 0.25 NdBa manganites suggests a change in its character from the second to first order at T*. The conventional free energy including the magnetization and magnetic field failed to describe this first-order transition. The unconventional critical behavior is attributed to an orbital liquid metallic phase that begins to coexist with the initial orbital-ordered phases below T*. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
author={Lazuta, A.V. and Ryzhov, V.A. and Smirnov, O.P. and Kiselev, I.A. and Chernenkov, Y.P. and Borisov, S.A. and Troaynchuk, I.O. and Khalyavin, D.D.},
title={Neutron diffraction and ESR studies of pseudocubic Nd0.75Ba 0.25MnO3 and its unusual critical behavior above T C},
journal={Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials},
note={cited By 2; Conference of Third International Symposium on Magnetism 2005 ; Conference Date: 26 June 2005 Through 30 June 2005;  Conference Code:66801},
affiliation={Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciencies, Gatchina, St. Petersburg 188300, Russian Federation; Institute of Physics of Solids and Semiconductors, National Academy of Sciences, ul. P. Brovki 17, 220072 Minsk, Belarus},
abstract={Results of structural neutron diffraction study and electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements are presented for insulating Nd1- xBaxMnO3 (x=0.25) with the Curie temperature TC≈129K. Its pseudocubic structure reveals the definite distortions to a lower symmetry. Detailed analysis of the data is performed in the frame of Pbnm space group in a temperature range 4.2-300 K. The compound is found to exhibit the Jahn-Teller (JT) transition at TJT≈250 K. Character of the coherent JT distortions and their temperature evolution differ from those of the x=0.23 manganite. The ESR results correspond to behavior of a 3D isotropic ferromagnet above T*≈143K (τ*≈0.12≤τ&lt;1, τ=(T-TC)/TC). It is shown that an anisotropic exchange coupling of the Mn and Nd magnetic moments may give a substantial contribution in ESR linewidth masking its critical enhancement. The different temperature treatments (slow/fast cooling/heating with/without external magnetic field) of the sample reveal a temperature hysteresis of the ESR spectra below T* indicating an anomalous response in the paramagnetic region. The study of the magnetic phase transition in the x=0.23 and 0.25 NdBa manganites suggests a change in its character from the second to first order at T*. The conventional free energy including the magnetization and magnetic field failed to describe this first-order transition. The unconventional critical behavior is attributed to an orbital liquid metallic phase that begins to coexist with the initial orbital-ordered phases below T*. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.},
author_keywords={Electron paramagnetic resonance;  Magnetically ordered materials;  Neutron scattering;  Phase transitions},
correspondence_address1={Lazuta, A.V.; Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciencies, Gatchina, St. Petersburg 188300, Russian Federation; email:},
editor={Perov N.},
abbrev_source_title={J Magn Magn Mater},

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