National Center for Genome Analysis Support Leverages XSEDE to Support Life Science Research. LeDuc, R., D., R., R., D., Wu, L., L., Ganote, C., L., Doak, T., Blood, P., D., P., P., D., Vaughn, M., Wu, L., L., Blood, P., D., P., P., D., Ganote, C., L., & Vaughn, M. In Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery, of XSEDE '13, pages 13:1--13:7, 2013. ACM.
National Center for Genome Analysis Support Leverages XSEDE to Support Life Science Research [pdf]Paper  National Center for Genome Analysis Support Leverages XSEDE to Support Life Science Research [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   
To be presented at XSEDE Conference 2013, San Diego, CA

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