DNA Sequence Optimization Using Constrained Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Lee, I., Shin, S., & Zhang, B. In Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2003), volume 4, pages 2270--2276, Canberra, Australia, December, 2003. IEEE Press.
   author = {In-Hee Lee and Soo-Yong Shin and Byoung-Tak Zhang},
   title = {{DNA} {S}equence {O}ptimization {U}sing {C}onstrained {M}ulti-{O}bjective
   {E}volutionary {A}lgorithm},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on
   Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2003)},
   pages = {2270--2276},
   volume = {4},
   publisher = {IEEE Press},
   month = {December},
   address = {Canberra, Australia},
   year = {2003}

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