RDML: structured language and reporting guidelines for real-time quantitative PCR data. Lefever, S., Hellemans, J., Pattyn, F., Przybylski, D. R, Taylor, C. F, Geurts, R., Untergasser, A., & Vandesompele, J. Nucleic acids research, 37(7):2065--9, April, 2009.
RDML: structured language and reporting guidelines for real-time quantitative PCR data. [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The XML-based Real-Time PCR Data Markup Language (RDML) has been developed by the RDML consortium (http://www.rdml.org) to enable straightforward exchange of qPCR data and related information between qPCR instruments and third party data analysis software, between colleagues and collaborators and between experimenters and journals or public repositories. We here also propose data related guidelines as a subset of the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) to guarantee inclusion of key data information when reporting experimental results.
@article{ Lefever2009,
  author    = {Steve Lefever and Jan Hellemans and Filip Pattyn and Daniel R Przybylski and Chris F Taylor and René Geurts and Andreas Untergasser and Jo Vandesompele},
  title     = {RDML: structured language and reporting guidelines for real-time quantitative PCR data.},
  journal   = {Nucleic acids research}, 
  abstract   = {The XML-based Real-Time PCR Data Markup Language (RDML) has been developed by the RDML consortium (http://www.rdml.org) to enable straightforward exchange of qPCR data and related information between qPCR instruments and third party data analysis software, between colleagues and collaborators and between experimenters and journals or public repositories. We here also propose data related guidelines as a subset of the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) to guarantee inclusion of key data information when reporting experimental results.},
  issn   = {1362-4962},
  month   = {April},
  pages   = {2065--9},
  volume   = {37},
  number   = {7},
  url   = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2673419\&tool=pmcentrez\&rendertype=abstract} ,
  year   = {2009}

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