Review of semantic enablement techniques used in geospatial and semantic standards for legacy and opportunistic mashups. Lefort, L. In Meyer, T & Taylor, K, editors, Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009), volume 112, of CRPIT, pages 17–26, Melbourne, Australia, 2009. ACS. Paper bibtex @inproceedings{Lefort2009,
address = {Melbourne, Australia},
author = {Lefort, Laurent},
booktitle = {Australasian Ontology Workshop 2009 (AOW 2009)},
editor = {Meyer, T and Taylor, K},
keywords = {mashup,semantic\_markup},
mendeley-tags = {mashup,semantic\_markup},
pages = {17--26},
publisher = {ACS},
series = {CRPIT},
title = {{Review of semantic enablement techniques used in geospatial and semantic standards for legacy and opportunistic mashups}},
url = {},
volume = {112},
year = {2009}