Seismic safety evaluation of concrete dams in Quebec. Leger, P., Leclerc, M., & Lariviere, R. In volume 10, pages 100 - 109, 2003. Seismic exposure;
abstract   bibtex   
The article presents the seismic exposure and progressive seismic safety assessment methodology of concrete dams in Que´bec in the context of the new dam safety laws and regulations adopted by the Provincial Government. Some aspects of the ageing and rehabilitation of the Daniel Johnson multiple arch dam, as well as its seismic response to a moderate earthquake in 1988 are discussed. The development and application of user-friendly computational tools for static and seismic stability analyses of concrete dams are described.
@inproceedings{2003247503653 ,
language = {English},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2023 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Seismic safety evaluation of concrete dams in Quebec},
journal = {International Journal on Hydropower and Dams},
author = {Leger, Pierre and Leclerc, Martin and Lariviere, Richard},
volume = {10},
number = {2},
year = {2003},
pages = {100 - 109},
issn = {13522523},
abstract = {The article presents the seismic exposure and progressive seismic safety assessment methodology of concrete dams in Que´bec in the context of the new dam safety laws and regulations adopted by the Provincial Government. Some aspects of the ageing and rehabilitation of the Daniel Johnson multiple arch dam, as well as its seismic response to a moderate earthquake in 1988 are discussed. The development and application of user-friendly computational tools for static and seismic stability analyses of concrete dams are described.},
key = {Concrete dams},
keywords = {Arch dams;Computer aided software engineering;Computer software;Crack initiation;Earthquakes;Finite element method;Friction;Seismic prospecting;},
note = {Seismic exposure;},

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