Reconciling complex system models and fisheries advice: Practical examples and leads. Lehuta, S., Girardin, R., Mahevas, S., Travers-Trolet, M., & Vermard, Y. AQUATIC LIVING RESOURCES, EDP SCIENCES S A, 17, AVE DU HOGGAR, PA COURTABOEUF, BP 112, F-91944 LES ULIS CEDEX A, FRANCE, APR-JUN, 2016.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
The move toward an ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) requires new operational tools in order to support management decisions. Among them, ecosystem-and fisheries-based models are critical to quantitatively predict the consequences of future scenarios by integrating available knowledge about the ecosystem across different scales. Despite increasing development of these complex system models in the last decades, their operational use is still currently limited in Europe. Many guidelines are already available to help the development of complex system models for advice yet they are often ignored. We identified three main impediments to the use of complex system models for decision support: (1) their very complexity which is a source of uncertainty; (2) their lack of credibility, (3) and the challenge of communicating/transferring complex results to decision makers not accustomed to deal with multivariate uncertain results. In this paper, we illustrate these somehow theoretical ``best practices'' with tangible successful examples, which can help the transfer of complex system models from academic science to operational advice. We first focus on handling uncertainty by optimizing model complexity with regards to management objectives and technical issues. We then list up methods, such as transparent documentation and performance evaluation, to increase confidence in complex system models. Finally, we review how and where complex system models could fit within existing institutional and legal settings of the current European fisheries decision framework. We highlight where changes are required to allow for the operational use of complex system models. All methods and approaches proposed are illustrated with successful examples from fisheries science or other disciplines. This paper demonstrates that all relevant ingredients are readily available to make complex system models operational for advice.
@article{ ISI:000386763900009,
Author = {Lehuta, Sigrid and Girardin, Raphael and Mahevas, Stephanie and
   Travers-Trolet, Morgane and Vermard, Youen},
Title = {{Reconciling complex system models and fisheries advice: Practical
   examples and leads}},
Year = {{2016}},
Volume = {{29}},
Number = {{2}},
Month = {{APR-JUN}},
Abstract = {{The move toward an ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) requires
   new operational tools in order to support management decisions. Among
   them, ecosystem-and fisheries-based models are critical to
   quantitatively predict the consequences of future scenarios by
   integrating available knowledge about the ecosystem across different
   scales. Despite increasing development of these complex system models in
   the last decades, their operational use is still currently limited in
   Europe. Many guidelines are already available to help the development of
   complex system models for advice yet they are often ignored. We
   identified three main impediments to the use of complex system models
   for decision support: (1) their very complexity which is a source of
   uncertainty; (2) their lack of credibility, (3) and the challenge of
   communicating/transferring complex results to decision makers not
   accustomed to deal with multivariate uncertain results. In this paper,
   we illustrate these somehow theoretical ``best practices{''} with
   tangible successful examples, which can help the transfer of complex
   system models from academic science to operational advice. We first
   focus on handling uncertainty by optimizing model complexity with
   regards to management objectives and technical issues. We then list up
   methods, such as transparent documentation and performance evaluation,
   to increase confidence in complex system models. Finally, we review how
   and where complex system models could fit within existing institutional
   and legal settings of the current European fisheries decision framework.
   We highlight where changes are required to allow for the operational use
   of complex system models. All methods and approaches proposed are
   illustrated with successful examples from fisheries science or other
   disciplines. This paper demonstrates that all relevant ingredients are
   readily available to make complex system models operational for advice.}},
Publisher = {{EDP SCIENCES S A}},
Type = {{Article}},
Language = {{English}},
Affiliation = {{Lehuta, S (Reprint Author), IFREMER, Ecol \& Modeles Halieut, Rue Lile Yeu,BP 2011, F-44311 Nantes 03, France.
   Lehuta, Sigrid; Mahevas, Stephanie; Vermard, Youen, IFREMER, Ecol \& Modeles Halieut, Rue Lile Yeu,BP 2011, F-44311 Nantes 03, France.
   Girardin, Raphael; Travers-Trolet, Morgane, IFREMER, Halieut Manche Mer Nord, 150 Quai Gambetta, F-62200 Boulogne Sur Mer, France.}},
DOI = {{10.1051/alr/2016022}},
Article-Number = {{208}},
ISSN = {{0990-7440}},
EISSN = {{1765-2952}},
Keywords = {{Ecosystem-based fisheries management; complex models; decision support;
   methodological solutions; participatory modeling; model sensitivity
   analysis; examples}},
Research-Areas = {{Fisheries; Marine \& Freshwater Biology}},
Web-of-Science-Categories  = {{Fisheries; Marine \& Freshwater Biology}},
Author-Email = {{}},
ORCID-Numbers = {{Vermard, Youen/0000-0003-2828-2815
   Lehuta, Sigrid/0000-0002-0807-4675}},
Number-of-Cited-References = {{211}},
Times-Cited = {{1}},
Usage-Count-Last-180-days = {{9}},
Usage-Count-Since-2013 = {{15}},
Journal-ISO = {{Aquat. Living Resour.}},
Doc-Delivery-Number = {{EA6UG}},
Unique-ID = {{ISI:000386763900009}},
OA = {{No}},
DA = {{2017-08-17}},

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