Deconstructing the Kazaa Network. Leibowitz, N., Ripeanu, M., & Wierzbicki, A. 06/2003 2003.
Deconstructing the Kazaa Network [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Internet traffic is experiencing a shift from webtraffic to file swapping traffic. Today a significant partof Internet traffic is generated by peer-to-peer applications, mostly by the popular Kazaa application.Yet, to date, few studies analyze Kazaa traffic, thusleaving the bulk of Internet traffic in dark. We presenta large-scale investigation of Kazaa traffic based onlogs collected at a large Israeli ISP, which captureroughly a quarter of all traffic between Israel and US.
@conference {Leibowitz:2003:DKN:832311.837393,
	title = {Deconstructing the Kazaa Network},
	booktitle = {WIAPP{\textquoteright}03 - Proceedings of the The Third IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications},
	series = {WIAPP {\textquoteright}03},
	year = {2003},
	month = {06/2003},
	pages = {112{\textendash}},
	publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
	organization = {IEEE Computer Society},
	address = {San Jos{\'e}, CA, USA},
	abstract = {Internet traffic is experiencing a shift from webtraffic to file swapping traffic. Today a significant partof Internet traffic is generated by peer-to-peer applications, mostly by the popular Kazaa application.Yet, to date, few studies analyze Kazaa traffic, thusleaving the bulk of Internet traffic in dark. We presenta large-scale investigation of Kazaa traffic based onlogs collected at a large Israeli ISP, which captureroughly a quarter of all traffic between Israel and US.},
	keywords = {file swapping traffic, kazaa, traffic},
	isbn = {0-7695-1972-5},
	url = {},
	author = {Leibowitz, Nathaniel and Ripeanu, Matei and Wierzbicki, Adam}

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