Microsatellite pedigree analysis reveals high variance in reproductive success and reduced genetic diversity in hatchery-spawned northern abalone. Lemay, M. A. & Boulding, E. G. Aquaculture, 295(1-2):22–29, October, 2009.
doi  bibtex   
	title = {Microsatellite pedigree analysis reveals high variance in reproductive success and reduced genetic diversity in hatchery-spawned northern abalone},
	volume = {295},
	doi = {10.1016/j.aquaculture.2009.06.029},
	number = {1-2},
	journal = {Aquaculture},
	author = {Lemay, Matthew A. and Boulding, Elizabeth G.},
	month = oct,
	year = {2009},
	keywords = {Haliotis kamtschatkana},
	pages = {22--29},

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