PolArg: Unsupervised Polarity Prediction of Arguments in Real-Time Online Conversations. Lenz, M. & Bergmann, R. In Cimiano, P., Frank, A., Kohlhase, M., & Stein, B., editors, Robust Argumentation Machines, volume 14638, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 108–126, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland.
PolArg: Unsupervised Polarity Prediction of Arguments in Real-Time Online Conversations [pdf]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
The increasing usage of social networks has led to a growing number of discussions on the Internet that are a valuable source of argumentation that occurs in real time. Such conversations are often made up of a large number of participants and are characterized by a fast pace. Platforms like X/Twitter and Hacker News (HN) allow users to respond to other users' posts, leading to a tree-like structure. Previous work focused on training supervised models on datasets obtained from debate portals like Kialo where authors provide polarity labels (i.e., support/attack) together with their posts. Such classifiers may yield suboptimal predictions for the noisier posts from X or HN, so we propose unsupervised prompting strategies for large language models instead. Our experimental evaluation found this approach to be more effective for X conversations than a model fine-tuned on Kialo debates, but less effective for HN posts (which are more technical and less argumentative). Finally, we provide an open-source application for converting discussions on these platforms into argument graphs.

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