User-Centric Argument Mining with ArgueMapper and Arguebuf. Lenz, M. & Bergmann, R. In Computational Models of Argument, volume 353, of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 367–368, Cardiff, Wales, 2022. IOS Press. Paper doi abstract bibtex Existing tools to create argument graphs are tailored for experts in the domain of argumentation. By taking into account the needs of experts, laymen, and developers, we propose ArgueMapper as a novel argument diagramming tool and Arguebuf as its underlying format. ArgueMapper is the first of its kind to be optimized for mobile devices and provide a discoverable interface suitable for novice users. Arguebuf provides native implementations for all major programming languages via a code generation approach. To complement Arguebuf, we provide a supercharged Python implementation that enables advanced analysis. All of our contributions support AIF and are publicly available on GitHub under the MIT license.
title = {User-{{Centric Argument Mining}} with {{ArgueMapper}} and {{Arguebuf}}},
booktitle = {Computational {{Models}} of {{Argument}}},
author = {Lenz, Mirko and Bergmann, Ralph},
year = {2022},
series = {Frontiers in {{Artificial Intelligence}} and {{Applications}}},
volume = {353},
pages = {367--368},
publisher = {IOS Press},
address = {Cardiff, Wales},
doi = {10.3233/FAIA220176},
url = {},
abstract = {Existing tools to create argument graphs are tailored for experts in the domain of argumentation. By taking into account the needs of experts, laymen, and developers, we propose ArgueMapper as a novel argument diagramming tool and Arguebuf as its underlying format. ArgueMapper is the first of its kind to be optimized for mobile devices and provide a discoverable interface suitable for novice users. Arguebuf provides native implementations for all major programming languages via a code generation approach. To complement Arguebuf, we provide a supercharged Python implementation that enables advanced analysis. All of our contributions support AIF and are publicly available on GitHub under the MIT license.}
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