Surface and volume registration of brain magnetic resonance images. Leporé, N., Joshi, A, Leahy, R., Brun, C., Chou, Y., Pennec, X., Lee, D, A., Barysheva, M., Zubicaray, D., I, G., Wright, M., & others SPIE, 2009.
@book{ lepore2009surface,
  title = {Surface and volume registration of brain magnetic resonance images},
  author = {Leporé, Natasha and Joshi, A and Leahy, Richard and Brun, CC and Chou, Yi-Yu and Pennec, Xavier and Lee, Agatha D and Barysheva, Marina and De Zubicaray, Greig I and Wright, Margaret and others},
  publisher = {SPIE},
  year = {2009}

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