Racial/ethnic differences in the use of psychotropic medication in high-risk children and adolescents. Leslie, L. K, Weckerly, J., Landsverk, J., Hough, R. L, Hurlburt, M. S, & Wood, P. A Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(12):1433--42, December, 2003.
Racial/ethnic differences in the use of psychotropic medication in high-risk children and adolescents. [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
To investigate rates of psychotropic medication use by youths served in public service sectors as a function of race/ethnicity.Logistic regression models were used to examine racial/ethnic differences in caregiver report of psychotropic medication use for a random stratified sample of 1,342 children who were served in public service sectors during the second half of fiscal year 1996-97.Race/ethnicity predicted caregiver report of past-year and lifetime psychotropic medication use when all other factors were held constant. Specifically, caregivers of African-American and Latino children were less likely to report past-year use compared to white children; caregivers of Latino children and "others" were less likely to report lifetime use. Additional factors predictive of medication use in regression models included younger age, male gender, higher household income, insurance type, active to mental health sector at time of enumeration into the study, impairment and diagnosis of mood, and anxiety or attentional disorder.Racial/ethnic differences in use of psychotropic medication occur in children served in public service sectors and need to be considered in clinical diagnosis and treatment.
	title = {Racial/ethnic differences in the use of psychotropic medication in high-risk children and adolescents.},
	volume = {42},
	issn = {0890-8567},
	url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&DbFrom=pubmed&Cmd=Link&LinkName=pubmed_pubmed&LinkReadableName=Related%20Articles&IdsFromResult=14627878&ordinalpos=3&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum},
	abstract = {To investigate rates of psychotropic medication use by youths served in public service sectors as a function of race/ethnicity.Logistic regression models were used to examine racial/ethnic differences in caregiver report of psychotropic medication use for a random stratified sample of 1,342 children who were served in public service sectors during the second half of fiscal year 1996-97.Race/ethnicity predicted caregiver report of past-year and lifetime psychotropic medication use when all other factors were held constant. Specifically, caregivers of African-American and Latino children were less likely to report past-year use compared to white children; caregivers of Latino children and "others" were less likely to report lifetime use. Additional factors predictive of medication use in regression models included younger age, male gender, higher household income, insurance type, active to mental health sector at time of enumeration into the study, impairment and diagnosis of mood, and anxiety or attentional disorder.Racial/ethnic differences in use of psychotropic medication occur in children served in public service sectors and need to be considered in clinical diagnosis and treatment.},
	number = {12},
	journal = {Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry},
	author = {Leslie, Laurel K and Weckerly, Jill and Landsverk, John and Hough, Richard L and Hurlburt, Michael S and Wood, Patricia A},
	month = dec,
	year = {2003},
	keywords = {Adolescent, African Americans, Child, Ethnic Groups, Female, Health Care Surveys, Hispanic Americans, Humans, Income, Insurance Coverage, Male, Mental Disorders, Psychotropic Drugs, Public Sector, Regression Analysis, Sex Factors},
	pages = {1433--42}

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