The new literacies of online reading comprehension and the irony of No Child Left Behind: Students who require our assistance the most, actually receive it the least. Leu, D. J, McVerry, J G., O'Byrne, W I., Zawilinski, L., Castek, J., & Hartman, D. K In Morrow, L. M., Rueda, R., & Lapp, D., editors, Handbook of research on literacy and diversity, pages 173–194. Guilford, New York, NY, 2009.
	address = {New York, NY},
	title = {The new literacies of online reading comprehension and the irony of {No} {Child} {Left} {Behind}: {Students} who require our assistance the most, actually receive it the least},
	booktitle = {Handbook of research on literacy and diversity},
	publisher = {Guilford},
	author = {Leu, Donald J and McVerry, J Gregory and O'Byrne, W Ian and Zawilinski, Lisa and Castek, Jill and Hartman, Douglas K},
	editor = {Morrow, L. Mandel and Rueda, R. and Lapp, D.},
	year = {2009},
	pages = {173--194}

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