Energy and Latency Control in Low Duty Cycle MAC Protocols. Li, Y., Ye, W., & Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, March, 2005.
Energy and Latency Control in Low Duty Cycle MAC Protocols [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Recently, several MAC protocols such as S-MAC and T-MAC have exploited scheduled sleep/wakeup cycles to conserve energy in sensor networks. Until now, most protocols have assumed all nodes in the network were configured to follow the same schedule, or they assumed border nodes would follow multiple schedules, but did not evaluate those cases. This paper develops two new algorithms to control and exploit the presence of multiple schedules to reduce energy consumption and latency. The first one is the \emphglobal schedule algorithm (GSA). Through experiments, we demonstrate that, because of radio propagation vagaries, large sensor networks have very ragged, overlapping borders where many nodes listen to two or more schedules. GSA is a fully distributed algorithm that allows a large network to converge on a single global schedule to conserve energy. Secondly, we demonstrate that strict schedules incur a latency penalty in a multi-hop network when packets must wait for the next schedule for transmission. To reduce latency in multi-hop paths we develop the \emphfast path algorithm (FPA). FPA provides fast data forwarding paths by adding additional wake-up periods on the nodes along paths from sources to sinks. We evaluate both algorithms through experiments on Berkeley motes and demonstrate that the protocols accomplish their goals of reducing energy consumption and latency in large sensor networks.
	author = 	"Yuan Li and Wei Ye and John Heidemann",
	title = 	"Energy and Latency Control in Low Duty Cycle MAC Protocols",
	booktitle = 	"Proceedings of the " # " IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference",
	year = 		2005,
	sortdate = "2003-03-01",
	project = "ilense, macss, cisoft",
	jsubject = "sensornet_subtransport",
	address =	"New Orleans, LA, USA",
	month =		mar,
	xpages =	"PHY30-4",
	location =	"johnh: pafile",
	url =		"",
	pdfurl =	"",
	copyrightholder = "IEEE",
	copyrightterms = "	Personal use of this material is permitted.  However, 	permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising 	or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works         for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, 	or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works 	must be obtained from the IEEE. ",
	abstract = "
Recently, several MAC protocols such as S-MAC and T-MAC have exploited
scheduled sleep/wakeup cycles to conserve energy in sensor
networks. Until now, most protocols have assumed all nodes in the
network were configured to follow the same schedule, or they assumed
border nodes would follow multiple schedules, but did not evaluate
those cases. This paper develops two new algorithms to control and
exploit the presence of multiple schedules to reduce energy
consumption and latency. The first one is
the \emph{global schedule algorithm} (GSA).
Through experiments, we demonstrate that, because of
radio propagation vagaries, large sensor networks have very ragged,
overlapping borders where many nodes listen to two or more
schedules. GSA is a fully distributed algorithm that allows a large
network to converge on a single global schedule to conserve
energy. Secondly, we demonstrate that strict schedules incur a latency
penalty in a multi-hop network when packets must wait for the next
schedule for transmission.  To reduce latency in multi-hop paths we
develop the \emph{fast path algorithm} (FPA). FPA provides fast data
forwarding paths by adding additional wake-up periods on the nodes
along paths from sources to sinks. We evaluate both algorithms through
experiments on Berkeley motes and demonstrate that the protocols
accomplish their goals of reducing energy consumption and latency in
large sensor networks.

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