Thermal Hydraulic Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture Over the Continental United States. Liu, P., Bindlish, R., O'Neill, P., Fang, B., Lakshmi, V., Yang, Z., Cosh, M. H., Bongiovanni, T., Collins, C. H., Starks, P. J., Prueger, J. H., Bosch, D. D., Seyfried, M. S., & Williams, M. R. 2022.
  author = {Pang-Wei Liu and Rajat Bindlish and Peggy O'Neill and Bin Fang and V. Lakshmi and Zhengwei Yang and Michael H. Cosh and Tara Bongiovanni and Chandra Holifield Collins and Patrick J. Starks and John H. Prueger and David D. Bosch and M. S. Seyfried and Mark R. Williams},
  title = {Thermal Hydraulic Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture Over the Continental United States},
  year = {2022}

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