Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-based Markerless Motion Capture. Livne, M., Sigal, L., Brubaker, M. A., & Fleet, D. J. In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2018.
Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-based Markerless Motion Capture [link]Arxiv  Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-based Markerless Motion Capture [pdf]Paper  Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-based Markerless Motion Capture [pdf]Supplemental  Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-based Markerless Motion Capture [link]Website  Walking on Thin Air: Environment-Free Physics-based Markerless Motion Capture [link]Video  bibtex   5 downloads  

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