Investigating the Formation of Submesoscale Structures along Mesoscale Fronts and Estimating Kinematic Quantities Using Lagrangian Drifters. Lodise, J., Özgökmen, T., Gonçalves, R. C., Iskandarani, M., Lund, B., Horstmann, J., Poulain, P., Klymak, J., Ryan, E. H., & Guigand, C. Fluids, 5(3):159, MDPI AG, 2020.
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@Article{	  lodise_2020,
  Author	= {John Lodise and Tamay {\"O}zg{\"o}kmen and Rafael C.
		  Gon{\c{c}}alves and Mohamed Iskandarani and Bj{\"o}rn Lund
		  and Jochen Horstmann and Pierre-Marie Poulain and Jody
		  Klymak and Edward H. Ryan and Cedric Guigand},
  date-added	= {2021-01-19 20:06:39 -0800},
  date-modified	= {2021-06-10 16:49:30 -0700},
  DOI		= {10.3390/fluids5030159},
  jmkpubtype	= {refereed},
  Journal	= {Fluids},
  Keywords	= {jmkrefereed},
  Number	= {3},
  Pages		= {159},
  Publisher	= {{MDPI} {AG}},
  Title		= {Investigating the Formation of Submesoscale Structures
		  along Mesoscale Fronts and Estimating Kinematic Quantities
		  Using Lagrangian Drifters},
  Volume	= {5},
  Year		= 2020,
  bdsk-url-1	= {},
  bdsk-url-2	= {}

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