Pilodyn Testing of Thermally and Chemically Modified Wood. Lopes, D. B., Militz, H., & Mai, C. In Hill, C. A. S., Militz, H., & Andersons, B., editors, pages 255–25, 2010. Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry.
	title = {Pilodyn {Testing} of {Thermally} and {Chemically} {Modified} {Wood}},
	isbn = {9984-49-135-8},
	shorttitle = {Pilodyn {Testing} of {Thermally} and {Chemically} {Modified} {Wood}},
	publisher = {Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry},
	author = {Lopes, D. B. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.},
	editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Andersons, B.},
	year = {2010},
	pages = {255--25},
	file = {ECWM5_2010_proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\NX2N29NV\\ECWM5_2010_proceedings.pdf:application/pdf},

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