A ferroelectric tunable combline filter with improved stopband transitions. Lourandakis, E., Schmidt, M., Fischer, G., & Weigel, R. In Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2009. RWS'09. IEEE, pages 340--343, 2009. IEEE.
  author        = {Lourandakis, Errikos and Schmidt, Matthias and Fischer, Georg and Weigel, Robert},
  title         = {A ferroelectric tunable combline filter with improved stopband transitions},
  booktitle     = {Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2009. RWS'09. IEEE},
  year          = {2009},
  pages         = {340--343},
  organization  = {IEEE},
  __markedentry = {[lourandakis:6]},

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